Thursday, September 25, 2008

Weird Weather!

I'm attributing Ellen's wacky mood today to the weird weather we've been having here in Minnesota.

In other news, we've been busy here at the Antoine house! Ellen keeps us on her toes with her running around and constant talking. She is a girl who knows what she wants and will work really hard to get it! She is constantly making us laugh with things she says and the timing of her comments. Tonight we had a small victory at home. Ellen at her broccoli!! Of course she had to have her "dip it", i.e. blue cheese dressing, but she ate it! We here how she is such a good eater and now we are staring to see that more. Broccoli, hamburger, pork steps, but I'll take it!!

This weekend we are heading up to St. Johns for homecoming. We will be meeting the McGeary family there! Otherwise there isn't much on the plate for the next week!

Bye for now!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Where has the time gone?

Summer has come and gone. Where do the days go? We have been busy since we last wrote. Ellen has made her 2nd trip to Bavarian Blast in New Ulm, Mn. We celebrated Madeline's birthday the same weekend. Ellen let us know how she felt about ice cream, spoons in both hands saying, "I like it!", over and over again!

After Bavarian Blast we spent a weekend in Iowa with Nathan, Mandy, and Lily. Lily and Ellen loved the pool!!! The would have stayed all day if we let them.

We also spent a weekend on the farm with Grandpa, Grandma, Beaner, Brian, Amy, and Paul! I had a lot of fun. I could run anywhere I wanted to. This summer we also learned that Madeline and Ellen will have a new cousin! Yeah!!! We are so excited to have a new little ones joining the family! Congratulations Maureen & Brian!! Wooo Hooo!

Most of the time Ellen spends her days at Ashley's while Christian and I work. Ellen loves Ashley and seems to have a lot of fun there everyday. On the occassions that Ashley is closed, Nana has been filling in! We are so lucky to have her help and Ellen LOVES the extra attention she gets these days! Nana usually lets her do all the things that Mom and Dad wouldn't let her do......walk in the the lake with her clothes on.....he he! She loved it!

Ellen has been busy learning so many new words! She has suprises for us everyday it seems. First she started combining words, then she was memorizing a few pages in books, and just in the last week, she has started singing! I know I'm especially bias, but I think she's really smart! Takes after her sister!!

Here is a video of her singing Twinkle Twinkle -since she never sits still, it is a bit broken, but still super cute!!

Up next is Ellen's 2nd Birthday!

I'll try to be back to update before then!