Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Day at the Zoo!

What a day! I had so much fun at the zoo! I went with my friends Thomas and Caden. Their Mom's are Kate and Ali. Mom met them through her baby board and we were all born within a week of each other! Pretty cool!

Here I am with the goats! I really liked them. They stick their tongues out a lot, so I was just imitating them! Wait, I stick my tongue out a lot too, maybe they were imitating me!

Mom bought some food so that I could feed them. I liked feeding the goats! I didn't want to leave, but them Mom told me I could play in the sink and wash my hands. How could I let that opportunity slip by.

Here I am with my friends - Thomas is in the middle and Caden is on the other end. I was relaxing!
This is the only picture they got of all of us actually looking at the camera! It's hard to get a bunch of 1 1/2 year olds to cooperate!
Mom thought this was a funny picture! I kept putting my foot in my mouth, Mom kept taking it out, so then I decided to just suck my finger.

After we got home, I took a nice long nap. This is me an hour after taking my nap - I guess I was still tired! It was a long day - but it was lots of fun!

I kept moving around, so Mom kept taking pictures!
Then, I busted her!
It was a great day!

This weekend we have Bavarian Blast. It will be my second time there! AND it's my Big Sister Madeline's Birthday on Sunday!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fun in the Sun

Hi Everybody!

I hope you are all enjoying your summer, I know I sure am!

I've been keeping busy this summer! Lots of fun playing outside every day. Going for walks and playing at the play ground.

Last weekend was really hot, so Mom and Dad set up the pool for me. I loved it!! Dad even let me poor water on his head! Here I am before the fun really began! This is my cheesy squinty grin.

Later that day, I was playing inside and I found this super cool hat in Madeline's room! Dad said Grandpa Jim-Jim will really like this picture!

I love putting on Mom's walking shoes. I figure if I have a pair of shoes on, Mom will let me go outside - does it really matter if they aren't mine?

Today at daycare, a little girl Madeline bit me. I got really mad and I have a teeth mark bruise on the back of my arm. She's done this before too. She tried to bit me again later the same day! Two times in one day, how much can a girl take?? I'll tell you, not that much, I bit her back! Take that! Ashley told me no biting, but then I heard her tell Mom that she was glad I bit Madeline back because I was standing up for myself and that she hoped it would teach Madeline a lesson. We'll see if I get bit again.

I'm going to go to the zoo this weekend with some friends - I'll have Mom snap some photos!

Bye Bye!