Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I've been busy.

This last week I got my hair cut and I went to my doctors appointment! I growing up big and strong! Doctor said I look good! I had to get two shots. I cried at first and then I realized that I was going to get stickers. Everything was OK then!

Height: 33 inches -- 96th percentile
Weight: 27.5 lbs -- 94th percentile

Below are some pictures of my new hair cut and also one of me in my Mom's bra! I found it while I was helping fold the laundry. I got it on all by myself - nobody helped me!! I'm such a big girl!!!

Bye Bye for now!

Love Ellen

My new cut.....

Helping Mom dust!
Heading towards the camera.
Wearing Mom's bra - oops - I don't think I'm ready for that yet!
Resting on Mom......so sleepy!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Some Serious Air!

Look at me! I learned how to jump. I'm still perfecting it, but my mom says I'm doing a good job! Don't mind her silly voice, she was really trying to get me going, but I was distracted by the Backyardigans. :-)

Love, Ellen