Monday, December 29, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

Grace Maureen Stockman

Ellen got to meet her new baby cousin this weekend! Grace Maureen Stockman was born December 13th at 8:27pm. She weighed 7lbs, 7oz, and was 19.75 inches long. This is Ellen's first cousin on the Antoine side of the family and she loved getting to hold her and read books to her.

Welcome Baby Grace! We love you!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Last night Ellen and I were playing in the basement with her blocks. I was doing my thing and she was doing hers. I stopped what I was doing to see what she was up to and she was building a tower. I told her that that was a great tower and she said, "It's a robot". She kept working. She needed a little help from me, but she did this 95% by herself. She was so proud of the robot. He fell over a few times so we had to put him back together so Daddy could see it. Here is a picture of the finished product. (don't mind the messy hair and outfit, it was just before bath time).

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Weird Weather!

I'm attributing Ellen's wacky mood today to the weird weather we've been having here in Minnesota.

In other news, we've been busy here at the Antoine house! Ellen keeps us on her toes with her running around and constant talking. She is a girl who knows what she wants and will work really hard to get it! She is constantly making us laugh with things she says and the timing of her comments. Tonight we had a small victory at home. Ellen at her broccoli!! Of course she had to have her "dip it", i.e. blue cheese dressing, but she ate it! We here how she is such a good eater and now we are staring to see that more. Broccoli, hamburger, pork steps, but I'll take it!!

This weekend we are heading up to St. Johns for homecoming. We will be meeting the McGeary family there! Otherwise there isn't much on the plate for the next week!

Bye for now!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Where has the time gone?

Summer has come and gone. Where do the days go? We have been busy since we last wrote. Ellen has made her 2nd trip to Bavarian Blast in New Ulm, Mn. We celebrated Madeline's birthday the same weekend. Ellen let us know how she felt about ice cream, spoons in both hands saying, "I like it!", over and over again!

After Bavarian Blast we spent a weekend in Iowa with Nathan, Mandy, and Lily. Lily and Ellen loved the pool!!! The would have stayed all day if we let them.

We also spent a weekend on the farm with Grandpa, Grandma, Beaner, Brian, Amy, and Paul! I had a lot of fun. I could run anywhere I wanted to. This summer we also learned that Madeline and Ellen will have a new cousin! Yeah!!! We are so excited to have a new little ones joining the family! Congratulations Maureen & Brian!! Wooo Hooo!

Most of the time Ellen spends her days at Ashley's while Christian and I work. Ellen loves Ashley and seems to have a lot of fun there everyday. On the occassions that Ashley is closed, Nana has been filling in! We are so lucky to have her help and Ellen LOVES the extra attention she gets these days! Nana usually lets her do all the things that Mom and Dad wouldn't let her do......walk in the the lake with her clothes on.....he he! She loved it!

Ellen has been busy learning so many new words! She has suprises for us everyday it seems. First she started combining words, then she was memorizing a few pages in books, and just in the last week, she has started singing! I know I'm especially bias, but I think she's really smart! Takes after her sister!!

Here is a video of her singing Twinkle Twinkle -since she never sits still, it is a bit broken, but still super cute!!

Up next is Ellen's 2nd Birthday!

I'll try to be back to update before then!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Day at the Zoo!

What a day! I had so much fun at the zoo! I went with my friends Thomas and Caden. Their Mom's are Kate and Ali. Mom met them through her baby board and we were all born within a week of each other! Pretty cool!

Here I am with the goats! I really liked them. They stick their tongues out a lot, so I was just imitating them! Wait, I stick my tongue out a lot too, maybe they were imitating me!

Mom bought some food so that I could feed them. I liked feeding the goats! I didn't want to leave, but them Mom told me I could play in the sink and wash my hands. How could I let that opportunity slip by.

Here I am with my friends - Thomas is in the middle and Caden is on the other end. I was relaxing!
This is the only picture they got of all of us actually looking at the camera! It's hard to get a bunch of 1 1/2 year olds to cooperate!
Mom thought this was a funny picture! I kept putting my foot in my mouth, Mom kept taking it out, so then I decided to just suck my finger.

After we got home, I took a nice long nap. This is me an hour after taking my nap - I guess I was still tired! It was a long day - but it was lots of fun!

I kept moving around, so Mom kept taking pictures!
Then, I busted her!
It was a great day!

This weekend we have Bavarian Blast. It will be my second time there! AND it's my Big Sister Madeline's Birthday on Sunday!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fun in the Sun

Hi Everybody!

I hope you are all enjoying your summer, I know I sure am!

I've been keeping busy this summer! Lots of fun playing outside every day. Going for walks and playing at the play ground.

Last weekend was really hot, so Mom and Dad set up the pool for me. I loved it!! Dad even let me poor water on his head! Here I am before the fun really began! This is my cheesy squinty grin.

Later that day, I was playing inside and I found this super cool hat in Madeline's room! Dad said Grandpa Jim-Jim will really like this picture!

I love putting on Mom's walking shoes. I figure if I have a pair of shoes on, Mom will let me go outside - does it really matter if they aren't mine?

Today at daycare, a little girl Madeline bit me. I got really mad and I have a teeth mark bruise on the back of my arm. She's done this before too. She tried to bit me again later the same day! Two times in one day, how much can a girl take?? I'll tell you, not that much, I bit her back! Take that! Ashley told me no biting, but then I heard her tell Mom that she was glad I bit Madeline back because I was standing up for myself and that she hoped it would teach Madeline a lesson. We'll see if I get bit again.

I'm going to go to the zoo this weekend with some friends - I'll have Mom snap some photos!

Bye Bye!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

An Ode To My Aunties!

I looked for you the other day
You were no where to be found
I looked high and low
Shouted out your names
Nobody answered
How come
I haven't seen you in a while
Boy do I miss you
Come over and play
Pretty please pretty please
Love, Ellen

p.s. My mom isn't very good at poetry so cut her some slack! :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

May Flowers

Hi Friends!

I've decided that this post will be from Mom! Ellen has been very busy this month!! She is learning and growing so much! After a few little stints of sickness, she seems to be healthy and happy! She has been adding new words to her vocabulary so quickly I can hardly keep track. I've attempted to make a list of every word I know she says, so here it is:
baby, dog, doggie, puppy, cow, bird, flower, snow, raining, windy, door, coat, shoe, sock, pajamas (samas), water, cup, spoon (poon), cracker, more, please, bye bye, hi, phone, car, boot, hat, pant, egg, fish, book, bath, teeth, eye, head, hand, toe, knee, button, welcome, cookie, apple, banana, come, stop, no, Elmo, Mama, Mommy, Dad, daddy, Nana, Papa, Grandma, Grandpa, Molly, Amy, Paul, Een (Beaner/Queen), Lilly, Buddy, help, up, down, butt, poopie, home, go, tree, potty.

phrases - sometimes she will say these on her own, other times she will say by herself.
excuse me
are you? (where are you)
I lu you. (I love you)
bye bye ______ - fill in the blank, she says bye bye to everything.
I want down.
Thank you.
Nigh, nigh (night, night)
uh oh
oh no
et et go! (ready set go!)

I think that is most of them - I'll add to the list if I remember any more.

Ellen also loves to be outside. It doesn't matter how cold or wet it is, that is where she wants to be. She loves going on walks and just exploring in the back yard. She has a new water/sand table to play with once it warms up again. It's been chilly the last couple days.

We have seen a few changes in Ellen's eating. At day-care she is really good about eating her veggies, at home, not so much, but we still try. She will also eat a little bit of chicken. She loves to dip food, which is fine by me as long as she's getting what she needs. Did you know that a serving for a child is 1 tablespoon x their age. So a serving of veggies is 1.5 tablespoons. Doesn't seem like much does it?

Here are a few pictures of Ellen.

playing where her babies at Grandpa's and Grandma's house.

Helping Dad make pancakes on Mother's Day.

Helping Dad and her first real set of pig tails. All her hair fits up now - barely.

Helping me pull weeds. She thinks they are all flowers.

Chilling in her carseat on a bright day. Loves the sunglasses!

That's all for now!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I've redecorated!

I hope you like the new look to the blog! I love the jungle animals!

Not much new happening this week. I've got a runny nose again. Mom is hoping that cold season ends soon.

I get to see my sister this weekend, I'm really looking forward to that. I hope that it is nice out because I LOVE to play outside. Mom and Dad got a new bike trailer so that I can go on bike rides with them. I would like to try that out too!

Here's a picture of me from this time last year.

Hope everyone is having a good week!


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It was a beautiful day!

Today was such a great day! It was 75 degrees outside! Yippee! I love to play outside. Here are some pictures of my adventure.

Going down my slide! WEEEEE!!!!Playing with my rock collection! Hope Dad doesn't find too many in the yard!
Blowing bubbles at Mom!
Concentrating really hard! Actually my tongue is always hanging out of my mouth!
My first taste of dirt! I wasn't too impressed!

Auntie Beaner.....I saw you taking pictures of me this weekend! Can you send some to Mom so she can put them up???? Thank You!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

4% away from being a GIANT

First I would like to apologize to all my loyal blogging fans, My mom has not been very good about getting the blogs up that I ask her to type. I do know though that she has been busy chasing me around! I don't like to stop for anything!

I had my 18 month check-up yesterday. No shots! YEAH!!! (clapping hands) and I am almost officially a giant!
Head: 50.2 cm (100+%)
Height: 34.75in (100+%)
Weight: 29.3lbs (96%)

I'm growing out of all my clothes so quickly!

But now to the real exciting stuff! I'm learning how to talk. I know a lot of words now. My Mom is working on a list to keep track of them all.

A few weeks back, my Grandma and Grandpa Antoine and Uncle Paul and Auntie Amy came to take care of me while my Mom and Dad went on a little trip. I had a lot of fun playing with them. The only bad part was that I got ouchies on my knees while Uncle Paul was "supposed" to be watching me in the back yard. They are all healed up now.

This past weekend I was in Iowa at Grandma and Grandpa's house. They have a really big yard. I can't wait until it's summer and we can play outside some more. There are a lot of places to explore at their house.

I will have my mom get some pictures up very soon. I know she's taken them.....just have to put them up here now......

Bye Bye, Love you!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I've been busy.

This last week I got my hair cut and I went to my doctors appointment! I growing up big and strong! Doctor said I look good! I had to get two shots. I cried at first and then I realized that I was going to get stickers. Everything was OK then!

Height: 33 inches -- 96th percentile
Weight: 27.5 lbs -- 94th percentile

Below are some pictures of my new hair cut and also one of me in my Mom's bra! I found it while I was helping fold the laundry. I got it on all by myself - nobody helped me!! I'm such a big girl!!!

Bye Bye for now!

Love Ellen

My new cut.....

Helping Mom dust!
Heading towards the camera.
Wearing Mom's bra - oops - I don't think I'm ready for that yet!
Resting on sleepy!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Some Serious Air!

Look at me! I learned how to jump. I'm still perfecting it, but my mom says I'm doing a good job! Don't mind her silly voice, she was really trying to get me going, but I was distracted by the Backyardigans. :-)

Love, Ellen

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hi Friends!

It's been a long time since I've posted so I thought I would catch you up on what has been going on in my life! I've been busy! I go non-stop all day long! I really love to play with toys, read my books, and climb on things! My favorite thing to climb onto is my toy box! Mom and Dad say it's o.k. as long as I don't stand up.

I had my first official gym class last Saturday! I love it, I can run around all over the place, climb on mats, hang from the bars, and I don't get hurt because there are mats everywhere. There are a lot of little people in my class. I like it!

My favorite word to say is "cacker". That's a cracker if you are curious! I love crackers!! Mom has taken to calling everything a cracker, that way she gets me to eat more stuff! She's also started chopping veggies and chicken super small and hiding them in some of my favorite foods. Most of these include cheese! I love cheese!!

I've really gotten my bed time routine down, bath, bottle, bed. I love my bottle, but Mom and Dad are trying to get rid of it. Not nice! I'm having a hard time with it. I see the little kids at day-care with them and it makes me jealous! I want to tell them, just a few more months, please!! We'll see!

Not much else is going on right now. I'm growing big and tall and my hair is getting longer. Mom was even able to put it in ponytails last weekend!!

That's all for now - enjoy the pictures!
Love, Ellen

I love my tool/pounding bench.

Reading on my push toy.
I like to jump on Dad!!
My new princess throne! Thanks, Amy, Gary, Madeline, and Hillary!
What? Did I do something wrong?

I LOVE being tossed in the air!
I'm computer savvy already!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Playing with my Uncles

My Auntie Beaner captured these videos of me playing with my uncles! Actually, they are doing all the work - I'm just having lots of fun!!

Mom has been a slacker when it comes to the blog!! I'll have to get on her case to update more often!!!

Enjoy the vidoes!
Love, Ellen
