Monday, December 17, 2007

My First Hair Cut

Well the title says it all! Ellen got her first hair cut!! We went to a place called Snip-Its. It's a childrens hair salon and it was great! Ellen did fabulous! Here are a few pictures and a video.



If you listen closely you will hear her buzz like a bee.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!!

I am one happy flamingo! I got my pack of Chiclets!

Friday, October 19, 2007

My 1 Year Stats!

The numbers are in folks! As the doctor put it, I'm tall and skinny with a very large head! But all proportionate!

Height: 31.25 Inches - 97%
Weight: 23.5 Pounds - 75 - 90%
Head: 18.7 Inches - 95+%

The doctor says that I look very healthy!!! Yeah! Oh, my iron level is really good! No more iron drops - not that Mom was giving them to my anyways - they didn't help with my "constipation issues". But all is well!!

I'm getting one of my bottom molars! I haven't been too cranky about it, but it isn't very comfortable!

Thanks all I got for now!!!!


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Happy 1st Birtyday My Sweet Little Girl!

One year ago your Dad and I were anticipating your arrival! We couldn't have asked for anything more! You are such a blessing! You can always make us smile with your dancing moves, jibber jabber, and your super sweet hugs and kisses. You have such a happy disposition. It is pretty rare to see you crabby. I love walking into your room in the morning to you big blue eyes, red red hair, and great big smile! There is no better way to start the day.
I can't imagine my world without you!

We Love You!!!!!!
Mom and Dad

Friday, October 12, 2007

I'm a punk rocker!

Mom had taken my hair out of my pony for the day so it looks like I have a mo-hawk! Then, Auntie Beaner found these sun glasses of mine.....

Two Words! ROCK ON!!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My Birthday Party

First I want to thank everybody for coming to celebrate my first birthday! I had so much fun!!!! I love spending time with my grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, and cousins! They are all so much fun!
I'll have Mom do an official one year post when the big day comes next Wednesday - she'll tell you about all the things I can do now.......
In the mean time, here are some pictures from my party! If you want to see all the pictures - you can see them here.

I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to do with the paper.

A girl never goes anywhere without her lipstick....even if I am working on a puzzle!

Checking out my new toys!

This one shoots balls really high into the air.


It was a long day, but I had lots of fun, thanks for celebrating with me!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Hi Everybody! It's been a little while since I have posted - so I thought I should catch you up on my happenings!!

I have now been walking for 3 whole weeks! I've gotten really good at it. I'm a lot more steady and I can even walk fast when someone is chasing me. Don't ask me to walk too much before bedtime though, I'm really tired and I fall down a lot.

Mom took me to the dermatologist this week for the rash around my eyes. It just wasn't getting any better, so Mom and Dad wanted to see what another doctor would have to say. The doctor took one look at me and said that I have Perioral Dermatitis. It's a rash around the mouth, nose, and sometimes eyes - well, lucky me, I've mostly just got it around my eyes. It's not very common in kids my age, but they say with proper treatment, the chances that it will come back are slim. I will just have to watch using topical steroids on my face (not likely to use these anyways).

Here are some pictures that Mom and Dad have taken of me.

My favorite sippy cup - Mom's water bottle!

My cousins Alexa, Madi, and Hannah. This was H & A's birthday party.

Now that I can walk I had to put on these super cool shoes from Auntie Joyce, Uncle Dave, and cousin Rachel! Thanks!!! They fit perfect!!!

Playing with my magnets and socks!

Nana and Papa came for a visit! I got lots of attention!!!

Papa took me for a ride, Nana wasn't too far behind, just making sure I didn't fall!

It was such a nice day out and I was being goofy for the camera, so Mom took lots of pictures!

Being all shy!!

Just being goofy! :-)

Mom, want this leaf?

Okay, that's all for now! Check back next week for some new pictures! I'm having an early birthday party this weekend! YIPPEE!!! Only 11 more days until I'm one!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

brusha brusha brusha

Auntie Beaner came for a visit last night - but I didn't see her until this morning! I sure have missed her! She took this picture of Dad brushing my teeth! I like my toothbrush!

Auntie Beaner - come back soon for a visit - maybe next time we can play longer!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I can walk now!!! I took my first steps on September 13th and have gotten better each day!

Here's a little video - don't mind my Mom's baby voice, she's goofy! I'll have her try and get a better video this week!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Scroll down to see the halloween costumes! (mom accidentally deleted the other poll, but she has the #'s from it and will make sure they are counted!)

Just thought I would share some pictures with you since it has been a while!

I didn't want to sleep in my crib......

So, I'll rest here instead!

Sticking my tongue out just like Papa!

Searching for my's got to be here somewhere!
My new bike helmet!

Playing with my doll -
Do you want to play with me? pretty please!

Mohawk time!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My Latest Doctors Visit!

Well, Mom took me to the doctor AGAIN because she and Dad were worried about the redness and the bumps all around my eyes and nose. The doctor said it doesn't look like eczema and wants to test me for allergies. So off to the hospital lab we went. They had me lay on a table and they strapped my legs down, I cried a lot. They took a lot of blood from me, one big tube full. They are going to test my blood for egg, cow milk, soybean, wheat, trees, grasses, nuts, and dogs to see if I'm allergic to any of those things. I sure hope I'm not! I'll let you all know what the doctor says, they said it will take about a week before the results come back. I'll have Mom post some new pictures later today!


Monday, September 3, 2007

Halloween Costumes

UPDATE - Mom can't get the flower costume - I'm too big for it, so if you voted for the flower you may want to change your vote! Sorry!!!

Here are the options for my Halloween costume - be sure to vote!

Friday, August 31, 2007

My Long Hair!!

Check out how long my hair is!!! My bangs even fit in my whale spout now!! :)

Hope everyone has a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!!!

Mom just liked this picture!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

At Last!!!

I am finally feeling better!! I got to go back to daycare!! YIPPEE!!!!

It's been a long week, but I got a new tooth during all this, so that puts the count at 7!! I got to eat lots of yogurt and bananas this week, I LOVE yogurt!

Tonight I'm going to see my sister, Madeline, she is starting the 5th grade soon, so we are going to her open house! I can't wait to see her, it's been a long time since we got to play together!

That's all for now, I just wanted to let you know that I was feeling better!!!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Click my picture to see LOTS more! My Mom has been slacking so it will be a little bit of photo overload!! This is one of my many goofy faces!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What it’s like to be me…

My name is Ellen and I am gellin’ like a felon.

I’ve got rockin’ red hair and nary a care.

People clamor to be with me; I am a sweet pea.

I'm sick of movin' slow; I am ready to roll!

I have many servants; I don’t pay the rent.

And after a long day of playing, I'm usually spent.

my third poem, Ellen

Friday, August 10, 2007

Okay, Okay!

I'm calling a truce! I love all my Aunties and Uncles!!!!!


Love, Ellen!

Let me start again

I must apologize for my last two poems---My mommy gave me some cough medicine over the last couple days and apparently it went straight to my head.

I am now thinking clearly.

So ... here it goes.

My Auntie Molly is the BESTEST ... ever!

Love, Ellen

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Uncle Paul Rocks

Paulie P is a great uncle to me.

He rocks the house like a crazy mouse.

He loves me and his beer too.
He makes me happy when I am feeling blue.

He walks with me while everyone else is busy.
He spins me around & makes me dizzy.

I am proud to be Paul's niece.
I can't think of anything to rhyme with that.

my second poem, Ellen

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Ode to My Aunt Beaner

My Aunt Beaner is a fine gal;
she's one of my very best pals.

She makes me happy when I'm feeling blue.
Does she sing to you, too?

Some know her as the Queen,
hopefully soon I'll be able to say "Maureen".

When I grow up I want to be just like the Bean-
a lover of life, people and all things keen.

-my first poem, Ellen

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Happy August!

Can you believe it's August already! Mom hasn't posted lately so there has been a lot going on!

Bavarian Blast (HeritageFest) - My first Bavarian Blast! What a great time I had! I loved all the music and the Nareen! They are these funny little people with wood masks! I liked to stare at them! I got to spend some good quality time with Grandpa JimJim, Grandma Maxine, Auntie Beaner, Auntie Amy, and Uncle Paul! Good think Paul decided to get up when I did one morning (5:00am) - He and Mom took me for a nice long walk around the city! Pictures coming soon!

It was also Madeline's birthday! I got to try some cake! Happy Belated Birthday Madeline! She's 10 years old this year!

Dahlen Family Reunion - Early Birthday Party for G-G-Ma! We were celebrating ggma's 90th birthday (November 30th) in July to honor GGPa who would have been 95 this year. I got to see my second cousins from California and all my great aunts! After the party we went out on Nana and Papa's boat! I got to play with Madi, Hannah, Alexa, and Lily! I had a really good time! Heather and Dave also came out on the boat with us! Heather and Dave are from California and have just moved to Philadelphia. Again - pictures coming soon!

What else have I done in the past couple weeks.......I've learned some new words, bye-bye while waving, all-done after I finish eating in my highchair. I learned how to climb the stairs and how to fall down them! They never told me that I'm not supposed to sit down on the stairs! There just isn't enough room!!

I'm sure I'll have more to tell you when my Mom puts up some pictures.....

but that's all for now!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

9 Month Check-up

Mom took me to the doctor yesterday for my 9 month check-up!

I'm growing big and strong!
I'm 29 inches (97%), 20lbs, 4.5oz (75%), and my head is big (97%). Mom doesn't remember the exact measurement, but it's written down on the sheet the doctor gave us.

I also got my finger pricked. They were checking my hemoglobin and also checking for lead in my blood since we live in an old house. Good news is, I don't have any lead in my blood, but the bad news is that my iron levels are low! They like to see the iron level above 10 and mine is 8.1 so now Mom has to give me iron drops everyday. They don't taste too bad! The doctor explained to us that this is the most common age to see low iron because my body has stopped making the baby iron, but hasn't started producing enough adult iron yet. Also, I don't drink as much formula as I used to so that cuts down on the amount of iron I'm getting. They will check this again at my 1 year visit! Oh, I didn't even cry when they pricked my finger!

Oh, here's Mom's bragging moment for the day! The doctor says I have the vocabulary of a 1 year old! I can say Mama and Dada (and I know who I'm talking about) and I can also say "Hi". My doctor says at the one year appointment they like to see us babies have at least one word other than mama!

Mom decided to walk to the doctor yesterday! Can you believe that she didn't check the weather before we left!!!! It was poring when we got done with my appointment! So we stood around for a while to see if the rain would let up. We also called a few friends who lived close by to see if they could come pick us up! No luck! Mom finally asked a lady who was on the way to her car! Luckily she said yes and she had a big expedition and a rear facing car seat! We were in luck! Thank You nice lady!!!!!

Well, that's all for today! This weekend we are heading to New Ulm so that I can experience my first Bavarian Blast (Heritagefest)! I'm excited to hear all the music!

Monday, July 16, 2007

My New Trick

I've learned how to greet people!! Mom and Dad are very proud of me!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Happy 4th of July!!

Wow! What a week I had! First we went to Mark, Molly, & Megan's house to play! We had so much fun their! I got to swing a lot....... It was so peaceful that I just couldn't keep my eyes open! Molly covered me up so I wouldn't get sunburned!

Here is a picture of me with my big sister, Madeline! I lover her so much, she can make me laugh really hard!
Grandpa and Grandma came up to stay with us! That was very nice of them, but I think I really wore Grandma Maxine out! Here is Grandpa Jim Jim helping me walk! This is my 4th of July dress!
Later that day we went out on Papa & Nana(Gram)'s boat! It was so much fun! Everybody who wanted to got to go swimming!
I feel asleep......finally! No swimming for me!

I decided to pose for Mom. She said I looked really happy!!!

I got a new pool for the back yard - I was a little unsure of it at first, but then I started splashing around........
and trying to attack Mom! See my yellow submarine? I wouldn't let of of it!
Here is one of my latest videos. I just love to dance!!