Monday, May 19, 2008

May Flowers

Hi Friends!

I've decided that this post will be from Mom! Ellen has been very busy this month!! She is learning and growing so much! After a few little stints of sickness, she seems to be healthy and happy! She has been adding new words to her vocabulary so quickly I can hardly keep track. I've attempted to make a list of every word I know she says, so here it is:
baby, dog, doggie, puppy, cow, bird, flower, snow, raining, windy, door, coat, shoe, sock, pajamas (samas), water, cup, spoon (poon), cracker, more, please, bye bye, hi, phone, car, boot, hat, pant, egg, fish, book, bath, teeth, eye, head, hand, toe, knee, button, welcome, cookie, apple, banana, come, stop, no, Elmo, Mama, Mommy, Dad, daddy, Nana, Papa, Grandma, Grandpa, Molly, Amy, Paul, Een (Beaner/Queen), Lilly, Buddy, help, up, down, butt, poopie, home, go, tree, potty.

phrases - sometimes she will say these on her own, other times she will say by herself.
excuse me
are you? (where are you)
I lu you. (I love you)
bye bye ______ - fill in the blank, she says bye bye to everything.
I want down.
Thank you.
Nigh, nigh (night, night)
uh oh
oh no
et et go! (ready set go!)

I think that is most of them - I'll add to the list if I remember any more.

Ellen also loves to be outside. It doesn't matter how cold or wet it is, that is where she wants to be. She loves going on walks and just exploring in the back yard. She has a new water/sand table to play with once it warms up again. It's been chilly the last couple days.

We have seen a few changes in Ellen's eating. At day-care she is really good about eating her veggies, at home, not so much, but we still try. She will also eat a little bit of chicken. She loves to dip food, which is fine by me as long as she's getting what she needs. Did you know that a serving for a child is 1 tablespoon x their age. So a serving of veggies is 1.5 tablespoons. Doesn't seem like much does it?

Here are a few pictures of Ellen.

playing where her babies at Grandpa's and Grandma's house.

Helping Dad make pancakes on Mother's Day.

Helping Dad and her first real set of pig tails. All her hair fits up now - barely.

Helping me pull weeds. She thinks they are all flowers.

Chilling in her carseat on a bright day. Loves the sunglasses!

That's all for now!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I've redecorated!

I hope you like the new look to the blog! I love the jungle animals!

Not much new happening this week. I've got a runny nose again. Mom is hoping that cold season ends soon.

I get to see my sister this weekend, I'm really looking forward to that. I hope that it is nice out because I LOVE to play outside. Mom and Dad got a new bike trailer so that I can go on bike rides with them. I would like to try that out too!

Here's a picture of me from this time last year.

Hope everyone is having a good week!
